Angela Armstrong

Angela Armstrong

Education and Experience: Angela has a combined BA (hons) in Psychology and Business studies and a postgraduate diploma in Human Resources Management. She is an accredited Executive and Team coach, Master practitioner Neuro-Linguistic Programming and is trained in a variety of psychometric tools.

Professional Skills and expertise: Angela has worked in a variety of HR roles including HRD for two food manufacturing companies, Head of L&D for Northern Foods plc and Head of People and Organisational Development for Royal Mail. More recently, in a Principal Consultant role she has worked with a variety of sectors including: Retail, Manufacturing, Financial, Health care, and County Council. She gets great satisfaction from supporting individuals and teams to develop further, become more engaged and deliver improved performance. She is fanatical about experiential learning and ensuring the transfer of learning back into the work place. Angela is an Executive Coach, Learning and Organisational Development professional with a mission of unlocking potential, increasing employee engagement and building Leadership capability. She is a principle consultant at KWA with vast experience in working with all levels of colleagues from frontline staff through to Senior Managers and Directors.

Coaching Style and Approach: Angela has experience of team facilitation at all levels. She quickly establishes trust and encourages openness and honesty within teams. The climate of trust fosters open discussion and challenge relating to behavioural and performance issues and leads to enhanced team performance.
