Emily Cadwallader

Emily Cadwallader

Me: I draw upon experience and insight I’ve gained as a successful leader, consultant and coach within innovative global organisations, smaller found led businesses, and voluntary roles in not for profit organisations. I have a degree in European Studies (Nottingham Trent University) and spent my early career building a strong grounding in HR roles within Woolworths plc, Pizza Hut and a start up insurance company. - edit

As an HR leader at Vodafone I began to specialise in talent, leadership development, inclusion and people engagement, all of which continue to be a passion. My last role as Global Talent Director at Dyson helped me put this all into practice, building a global team, leading a strategy to deliver business growth and culture transformation. I left Dyson in 2018 to take the next step in my career as an independent consultant and coach.

My approach: I partner with people, teams and organisations to help them be at their best, by supporting them to understand, embrace and enhance what makes them unique.
I am a trusted advisor with a strong culture and people radar – I ask questions (to understand people and business context), listen intently, care about doing the right thing, and I deliver results. I work with leaders as a coach, faciltitator , problem solver and sounding board.

Given my background, I understand the realities of getting things done in complex environments and creating lasting culture change. I am known for designing, leading and embedding impactful and human solutions that improve engagement and performance.

Professional skills and expertise: I’m a member of the ICF (International Coach Federation), a CIPD Fellow (the professional body for HR professionals). I’m also a Barefoot trained coach and am completing a PG Diploma in Personal/ Business coaching at the University of Chester. I hold qualifications in a range of psychometrics, including Hogan, MBTI, Wave, Choices and use them to help leaders better understand themselves and others.

My Coaching style: Is honest, pragmatic, curious, balancing challenge and support . I focus on helping you be the best version of yourself and achive your work/life goals. I’ve had the privilege of coaching many leaders (executives through to middle managers and graduates) and teams through significant personal and career transtions, readiness for bigger roles and to be more connected with their strengths and purpose in life.

What inspires me: Seeing my children experiment, learn and grow into unique human beings in this brilliant, crazy world we live in. (And seeing leaders do the same !)
